Crystal Symphony is please to provide the best entertainment at sea. Each evening offers a variety of activities including Broadway-style shows, cabaret entertainment, dancing and movies.
Crystal Symphony receives the most recently released movies available from its distributor, and shows them in the comfortable, state-of-the-art Hollywood Theatre. When movies are first released by studios, they are distributed to "first run" theatres across the country. Depending on their success, most films are then (sometimes a month later, sometimes a year) released for pay-per-view showings on cable TV and in hotels.
After this, movies are then distributed for showing on airlines and cruise ships. From this select group of films, Crystal Symphony offers the most popular choices, appropriate for showing on the ship. You will enjoy the selections, and please understand that it is not possible to show "first-run" films on board, but Crystal Symphony shows the very best films available to you while cruising the seven seas.
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Last modified: September 05, 2011.