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Auggie Does America

Aggie Does America My How Time Flies Monday, February 10, 2014

Stardate: January up to Feb 11, 2014 Location: So-Cal and Arizona January was a busy month. Unfortunately, I spent most of my time working - yet another reason for anyone considering a career in accounting to run as fast as possible the other direction. Still though, there...Read more.

Aggie Does America Izzat You Drivin' Big Bessie Here? Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I started out the New Year driving south through California from Santa Rosa to Desert Hot Springs. A distance which, in retrospect, is adout 150 miles too far for one day of travel. Nonetheless, we had a great day filled with expansive scenery and relatively m...Read more.

Aggie Does America Surfer Duuuuude...It's, like, Christmas Eve... Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Yo, hey...Duuuudes and duuuudettes...Here we are in California, my first trip to this totally tubular state. It's 70 degrees here - gnarly huh? No wet paws on the morning walks, which makes for a, like, radical start to my day. Just a little chilly first ...Read more.

Aggie Does America Cruising the USA in the Land Yacht. And We're Off... Sunday, December 22, 2013

Captain's Log Star Date: December 20-22, 2013 Departure City: Vancouver, WA Destination: Seven Feathers Casino then on to Santa Rosa, CA Departure day is finally here. Weather in Vancouver was at freezing, drab gray skies and light snow accentuated the misera...Read more.